Common Questions About Our Dog Training Services

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What tools do you use?

    We use several different tools during our training programs, and the tools used often vary depending on the individual dog's needs. Harness, handle, and most use various tools, including a clicker, treats or toys, front clip harness, leash with a traffic handle, and, more importantly, compassion and experience.

  • Do you take any dogs?

    We take any breed and any age needing obedience training or behavioral issues. Our goal is to assist as many dogs and owners as possible. Aggression and behavioral issues would require a much longer and more intensive program. We are happy to work with any dog needing help with insecurity, anxiety, impulse control, hyperactivity, leash reactivity, dog reactivity, etc. We have decades of experience working with high-drive breeds like German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers. Our lead master trainer, Alan, worked as a police dog trainer for many years, so you never need to worry that your dog is too high-driven for us to train!

  • Why do we promote positive reinforcement training?

    We have experience using different methods of training, but we have the most confidence in positive reinforcement. Why? We think this method has the greatest capacity for long-term success for every type of dog.

    We had a client with a German Shepherd reach out to us after working with two other trainers who used prongs and e-collars to train obedience and loose-leash walking. Instead of solving the problem, these methods create more! The dog still wouldn't obey commands without the special collar, and she became afraid of collars, leashes, and going for walks! After a few sessions using nothing but treats, kindness, patience, and time, we helped her forget those negative associations. We took baby steps to get the collar on her neck and eventually snapped her leash onto it. Now she obeys all commands, walks on the leash without pulling, and heels at her owner's side when off-leash! She enjoys walks so much now that she runs to the cabinet her leash is kept in and touches it with her nose until it's time to go!

    The results you get from positive reinforcement are more reliable, longer-lasting, and enjoyable for both you and your dog. You never have to worry that your dog's scooter training will go out the window when their e-collar comes off or that they will get acclimated to the tool and start ignoring it. No matter the time or place, your dog will always be happy to listen to you.

  • Do you offer therapy or service dog training?

    Yes! We also offer therapy dog training and service dog training, though we don't currently advertise them. If this is a need, please contact us with the form for more information. To answer this question, we will start by explaining what a service dog does and how a service dog is different from a therapy dog and an emotional support dog. A service dog, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, is a dog individually trained to perform specific tasks and to work with people with disabilities. The work of a service dog must be directly related to the handler's disability. The ADA mandates that service dogs have full public access rights. Therapy dogs are trained to be comfortable in new environments and to interact with different people. They typically have certain personality traits, and they volunteer in clinical settings such as hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. Therapy dogs do not have the same legal right to access service dogs, and although a dog can be certified as a therapy dog through an organization, there are no uniform state or national rules that regulate the certification. Emotional support dogs are not considered service dogs under the ADA. They may be trained for a specific owner, but they are not trained for specific tasks or duties to aid a person with a disability. ESA owners have only limited legal rights, and those typically require a letter of diagnosis from a doctor or psychiatrist. They have certain access when it comes to housing but do not have unlimited access to public spaces.

  • Do you offer board and train?

    We do offer some board and training, but our capacity is limited. We aim to give each dog as much practical, real-world training experience as possible!

    With in-home training, we can give you and your dog more dedicated time and attention! It's also easier to correct the specific issues you're experiencing with your dog because we work on them in the environment where they occur. That's why we focus on our in-home training!

  • Can I tour the facility?

    Unfortunately, we do not operate out of a facility. We are unable to offer tours at this time because all of the training is done at Alan's home. We do understand the desire for a facility tour, but we hope you understand why it is not something we can offer at this time and trust that we will do our best to take care of your dog as if it were our own. They will not be living in a kennel; they will become part of our family, having access as if they were at home as we treat all students as if they were our own family pets.

  • Can I visit my dog during the training?

    To ensure effectiveness and results, we do not allow owners to visit their dogs during training. Typically, dogs associate their owners with their prior lifestyle and environment, which we are trying to change and improve. Habits: Owners can represent bad habits, which makes the transformation more difficult when reunited with the owner before the training can be better reinforced. We want your dog to focus on the training and then be reintroduced to you once they are in a much better place mentally and emotionally. We will provide updates on your dog's progress and be willing to do scheduled video calls so you can see your dog and the environment they are living in for training.

  • Do you guarantee results?

    We hope you are considering us as a training company because you have witnessed our results either firsthand or through referrals. Just like humans, not all dogs are the same. Some may have underlying struggles such as fear, reactivity, and bad behaviors. If your dog needs to work through behavioral issues, we'll create and implement a sustainable solution to ensure you and your dog are set for long-term success. We do not guarantee results because there are so many uncontrollable factors that rely on the owner, the dog, and others. But we do make sure to do everything in our power to set you up for success and provide lifetime support. We troubleshoot post-training issues and offer tune-up sessions as needed. We want you to be successful and are committed to you and the dog. Although we cannot guarantee specific results, we find that our clients are happy with the transformation their dog makes and how effective the training is.

    See our Client Testimonials 

  • Why should I work with you instead of a less expensive trainer?

    Veterinarians wholeheartedly trust and endorse our exceptional dog training services. We have over 50 years of combined experience training dogs to obey. Alan, the owner, holds a master trainer certification and has over 30 years of training high-drive police dogs. Stores like Petco and PetSmart just don't have the same level of knowledge and expertise that we do. In fact, one of our clients was referred to us by PetSmart because they couldn't help them! When you work with a higher-quality trainer, you skip many of the struggles that come with hiring someone cheaper, including unintended and negative consequences for your dog's behavior! We don't force your dog to learn using e-collars or prong collars. You never have to worry that your dog's training will go out the window when their collar comes off or that they will get acclimated to the tool and start ignoring it. No matter the time or place, your dog will always be happy to listen to you. Our training method builds a rewarding relationship with you and your dog.

  • How often will we meet for in-home training?

    We usually meet with clients once a week for training sessions, but we can bump it up to twice a week, depending on your dog's needs. We typically spend 60–90 minutes with both you and your dog. Not only are we training your dog, but we are also training you! We will create the structure that works best for your dog and family so that you'll never worry about getting the cookie-cutter solutions that most dog training companies provide. Whether it's at your home, office, neighborhood park, or local store that allows dogs, You can work on any training goals you have in the place they need to happen, with the guidance of our experienced dog trainers by your side and your dog.

  • What are your credentials?

    Owned by Alan, he is a former law enforcement officer and K-9 handler certified as a Master Trainer.

    Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) Trainer on staff.

    Association of Professional Dog Trainers- (APDT)

    The Pet Professional Guild

    Fear free Certified trainers

    American Kennel Club AKC Instructor and evaluator #1 Featured Trainer for Best Dog dog Classes in Kennesaw, Roswell, and Atlanta 2022,  2023, and 2024

    Fully insured and bonded through Business Insurers of the Carolinas

    Kennel License # 34-34119111 through Georgia Department of Agriculture

  • What is the booking process?

    The booking process is pretty quick and easy. We first ask that you fill out a booking form, which can be found on our website homepage or under the "contact" tab under the Schedule A Consultation button. That form will give us your contact information. We do require a nonrefundable $150 reservation deposit to hold a specific date, but that deposit is credited toward the cost of the program. We will use the contact information from the booking form to send you our assessment form to get more information about your dog and what you are looking to get out of the training so we can start tailoring a program. Within a few days of that reservation, we will come to you to meet both you and your dog. Assessment during the assessment and evaluation meeting, we will set you up with a trainer and training schedule. We will send you a link that contains the training agreement that needs to be signed and submitted before training begins.

Do You Want To Make An Appointment Or Find Out More About Our Services? At   470-648-6512  You Can Reach Us. Your Message Is Greatly Anticipated!
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